Basic concepts of Image Optimization

Basic concepts of Image Optimization

If you have graphical elements on your website, you definitely need image optimization. Image optimization is pivotal to graphical improvements to be made on your website.

Your website needs to be optimized in all aspects and images are an important part of that optimization process. If you haven’t thought of optimizing your images yet, you need to!

Images are usually the first element on your website that catches the attention of any visitor. If your images cannot make an impact, you are surely losing a chance to convert visitors into customers.

What is image optimization?

Image optimization is a diverse concept. It ranges from simple tweaks to the properties of an image to the complex mechanism of remote image hosting.

Basically, image optimization relates to the concept of making an image better suited to the preferences of users, the internet, and search engines. All of this gives your website a better chance of being discovered.

You can start to optimize your images either with a simple image optimizer or look for some bulk image optimizer to reduce your workload relative to the optimization of all images one-by-one.

With a picture optimizer, you can speed up your website, interconvert different image types, and much more. For all this to be carried out without a hitch, you just need to make sure you have the right tools!

Why is Image optimization important?

When your website takes a lot of time to load, you run to find the faults in the theme or the hosting service. Sometimes it can be as simple as having heavier images on-site or hosting them at a location too remote for the users to access.

Online business owners then run to find an image compressor free of charge. We recommend that you go searching for the best image optimizer instead.

Image optimization covers all bases, from image size reduction to remote hosting, and search engine optimization for the images included in the content.

If you have optimized your images, you are bound to see the results in the form of higher conversion rates, lower bounce rates, and longer session durations.

All of that indicates that your visitors are spending more time on your website courtesy of your graphical superiority and thus, giving you a better chance at creating a conversion.

5 great image optimizers

If you are looking for the best image optimizer, you are bound to find it on this list. We have carried out a comprehensive research analysis using different parameters.

After using over 20 different image optimization tools and plugins, we figured out that there are certain parameters that define the quality of optimization.

Our judgment parameters for these optimizers varied for each optimization metric. For example, we varied the type of image file to decide which one was the best image compressor.

1.  Optimole

Optimole image optimization plugin

Optimole is one of the finest image optimization tools and it covers almost all bases relative to graphical elements on your website and in your content.

When tested with jpeg, jpg, and png file types, Optimole returned the best average image optimization score across the three image types. It compresses png files with the highest compression ratio and qualitative maintenance.

Optimole is fully automated, comes loaded with image compression with quality maintenance, supports all image types, supports both WebP and Retina images, and lazy loads with JQuery.

Optimole serves images from a remote CDN so that your images don’t take an eternity to load. With a remote CDN function, Optimole makes your website lighter and easier to load.

You can choose Optimole and it allows lazy loading for you. The images become lighter, the loading time reduces, and your images contribute to your SEO strategy. What else would you need?

2.  Imagify

Imagify – Convert WebP, Images Compression and Optimization

Imagify has an excellent interface for interaction and allows you to manage your preferences with unparalleled ease. It also has a visual comparison between optimization modes to help you work better.

The basic working principle for Imagify is the provision of lighter images without the loss of quality. That is true and stands when you are using the aggressive mode.

You can also choose to compress the images more if you are not worried about the quality or lower the compression rate if you want to preserve the image quality.

Imagify gives three different image compression options. With Normal compression mode, the process is lossless and the image quality is not altered at all, giving a lower compression ratio.

With aggressive mode, you are bound to lose a tiny amount of image quality that is unnoticeable, but the compression rate is higher and thus, it is the best optimization mode.

Ultra method allows compression on a larger scale with a lossy algorithm, but the downside is a qualitative loss. Although, if your image quality is merely a formality, Ultra mode can come in handy.

The plugin also works perfectly with WebP format and allows full-size WebP conversions free of cost. You also get WebP thumbnails and lots more with Imagify.

3.  Smush

Favorite Smush – Compress, Optimize and Lazy Load Images Download

With Smush, you can optimize your images, turn on lazy loading, resize, compress, or qualitatively recreate your images. You can also improve your page load speeds with these image optimization techniques.

Smush comes with lossless compression, allowing you to compress your images without having to compromise on the quality of the images. Compression without losses; lossless.

Smush offers you the bulk smush too. Allowing you to optimize up to 50 images with one click. This reduces your work and helps you optimize your images in bulk.

With Smush, you get the lazy loading option that helps your site speed and loading time. Also, lazy loading helps with your Google Page Speed increments.

If you want an automated manner of optimization, Smush is a perfect choice because it has an automated interface, allowing you to auto-compress and optimize your uploads asynchronously.

Smush integrates with Gutenberg, allowing you to see all Smush stats in the gallery. With super servers, support for all sile types, and WebP conversion, Smush is the way to go!

4.  EWWW Image Optimizer

EWWW Image Optimizer

EWWW Image optimizer is about increasing your webpages’ loading speeds and reducing page load times by the means of image optimization.

With image optimization methodologies from EWWW, you are bound to see the difference in the form of an increase in site ranking, both on Google Page Load and Site load speeds and visitor rankings.

EWWW has no limits when it comes to image compression allowed per month. You can compress all the images you want without the need to pay for them.

The biggest perk with EWWW is that it’s a free image optimizer and you can optimize all the images you want without the need to spend any money.

EWWW comes with smooth handling with pixel-perfect optimization using progressive rendering techniques. With adaptive steering that allows all image types to be compressed, you can handle any image.

EWWW has an exceptional feature of backup handling for you too. It keeps a 30 day backup of your original images in case you need them for purposes. 

Install the plugin and you can optimize your image for free and to a great extent. The plugin is free for most purposes but if you want more than 80 percent compression, you might need a paid version.

5.  ShortPixel

ShortPixel Image Optimizer

ShortPixel is claimed to be a comprehensive, easy to use, stable, and frequently updated image compression tool available all across the internet.

ShortPixel is unique in the essence that it contributes to your SEO strategy too. It is simply the easiest of the tools to use and you can even classify it as an install-and-forget kind of tool.

ShortPixel optimizer compresses jpg, jpeg, png, and PDF files too. It allows a complete compression diversity and lets you compress all file types to increase your site speed.

ShortPixel also allows conversion to WebP and Retina in addition to the image compression options. It also comes with CMYK to RGB conversion for advanced purposes.

ShortPixel also comes with 24-hour stellar support to help you with any issues that you might have. WordPress plugins for image optimization cannot get better than this.

Online Optimization Tools

If you are looking for a quicker way to compress images and don’t want to go through the whole plugin installation process, you can use an online optimization tool too. 

You can use TinyPng to compress your images without having to go through signup or sign-in process. It’s easy to use, requires one click, and compresses your image with minor quality losses. 

Compressor is another online optimization tool that helps you with image compression without the need of installation or a setup process. It also helps with larger compressions with minor quality changes. 


From these 5 great image optimization plugins, you can choose the one that suits your optimization plans and needs. Choose one and make your site perform better.