Keyword Rank Checker

SEO Tips: Free Google Keyword Rank Checker

So, you are done with the website designing? What’s next?  Understanding keyword ranking, we would say. It will set you up for success in a major way. When a user enters a search query in Google or any other search engine, the algorithm of the search engine determines the order to rank the search results. […]

Gradient Borders And Border Images In CSS

Websites are the face of the Internet. If you want to take advantage of any digital revenue, your website has to be up to date and have the extra shine it needs to attract visitors coming and again.  The fundamental of website styling as any web developer would know starts with CSS. CSS libraries get […]

UX trends

UX trends to follow in 2020

2020 may have had its crisis as of yet, but there hasn’t been shortage of trends this year either. Among all trends that have caught the limelight, only the UX trends would have to matter for designers and online business owners as a necessity. If you were to go by the UX design trends that […]

css in 2020

What Is New In CSS In 2020

The upcoming features of CSS 2020 have generated a lot of buzz in the design community. With the COVID situation, the release for a lot of features has been postponed. But fortunately, we can take some insights from last year’s CSS reports and try to predict what new additions will come up. A Shared Collaborative […]